Weekend mornings are perfect for lazy brunch, and today we have the best topping for brunch pancakes you can try. It’s simple to make and will make you perfectly happy while you’re sipping coffee in your pajamas, without having...
Pies are one of the most delicious and comforting desserts, but they usually don’t get as much attention as cakes and cookies. They’re not as picture-perfect—because it’s more difficult to decorate them—but these pie bakers on Instagram came up...
This spiced pumpkin pie recipe is the taste of fall. Just follow these simple steps, and you can make a delicious pie for your family and friends. Gather Ingredients For this recipe you need 750g chunks of pumpkin, 350g sweet...
Sponge cakes are extremely popular with baking newbies, but you can take things to a whole new level by experimenting with different shapes. That’s exactly the idea behind viral number cakes, and these food artists are putting them on...
When the temperatures begin to go down and fall approaches, one of the most popular outings for people around the world is a bonfire. Here, friends gather around a large campfire and relax, often enjoying a drink and roasting...
Most people think that healthy desserts are impossible to find, but Chocolate Covered Katie is here to prove them wrong. Instagram’s queen of healthy desserts is putting a spin on our favorite sweet treats by using more nourishing ingredients...
During the pandemic, we've been making a lot of cookies. So many cookies, in face, that we've been left with lots of leftovers. We love leftovers, but when it comes to cookies, they tend to get stale before we...
Cereal has always been one of the most beloved breakfast staples, but TikTok users have found a way to take it to a whole new level. Adorable mini cereals have been going viral all year long, and here are...
If you’re a huge fan of colorful dessert, you probably can’t resist using sprinkles to decorate all your baked goods. Jill Glenn, the author of food blog Peanut Butter and Jilly Beans, feels the same way and these are...
Fall is almost here and with the cooler weather comes cozy sweaters, colorful leaves, and apple season! While apple pies and apple ciders are popular ways to make use of the delicious fruit, there are tons of other fun...

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