Here’s How to Roast a Marshmallow in the Comfort of Your Own Kitchen!

Image by abigaildavidsm from Pixabay

When the temperatures begin to go down and fall approaches, one of the most popular outings for people around the world is a bonfire. Here, friends gather around a large campfire and relax, often enjoying a drink and roasting foods like hot dogs or marshmallows around the fire.

While 2020 might not be the most conducive time for roasting marshmallows in a large event with friends, don’t worry—you can still enjoy the delicious taste of this classic autumn treat in your own kitchen.

Here are two easy ways to do so in the comfort of your own home.

Your Stove

Turning on your stove (this works best with gas stoves, but can be done with electric ones too) can be a great way to toast marshmallows in the comfort of your own kitchen. Just put your marshmallow on a stick or a skewer as usual and hold it over the gas flame or the heated panel until it turns slightly burnt and crispy.

Your Oven

Another possibility for roasting marshmallows at home is by using your regular old oven. Turn it on to around 400 to 425 degrees F, and place the marshmallows you want to roast on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet. Once the oven is preheated, put them in for 5 minutes and they’ll come out perfectly roasted.