When you hear dulce de leche, healthy is not usually something that comes to mind. But, if you use just a bit, you can really get all the flavor and hint of sweetness while compensating with other healthy ingredients....
The keto diet craze is so huge, that many variations have already appeared. If you are all about the new eating trends, you have to know more about the latest one. The dirty keto diet mostly focuses on macronutrients...
Saffron is a super-spice that you definitely need in your life. You've probably already heard of it, but do you know all the benefits it can bring? It is more expensive than other spices, but it is worth it....
We all love pumpkins once winter comes. We even find ways to use them as home decor or add them to different meals. These delicious fruits hide much more potential than you thought. Check out some of the surprising facts...
Salads can be one of the most boring dishes if you do them wrong. They are known for not always being exciting because people don't treat them with the respect they deserve. Check out these Instagram accounts and see...
We all need to cool down during the summer, and what better way to do that than with a cold soup. This delicious vegan avocado soup recipe is all you need for a fast, nutritious meal. For all the ladies...
Eating the rainbow is a new trendy way to look at food. If you eat more colors of the rainbow, you will be eating different types of fruit and vegetables and get more nutrients. If you aren't the most...
Dragon fruit is possibly the most beautiful, alluring fruit on the planet. The colorful white, black and magenta combo is not only pretty to look at. You will be surprised to hear how many health benefits this fruit has...
Fish is a great source of many essential elements for the body. But not everyone likes it. Since you need to get those omega-3 and alpha-linolenic acids from somewhere, you have to find fish alternatives. Below you will find...
Finding starters that are healthy and tasty can be definitely hard. Avoiding fried foods is especially difficult in summer. That's why we decided to bless you with super-healthy ideas for summer starters that will not show on the scale. Stuffed...

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