Great Fish Alternatives You Need In Your Life

Photo by Caroline Attwood on Unsplash

Fish is a great source of many essential elements for the body. But not everyone likes it. Since you need to get those omega-3 and alpha-linolenic acids from somewhere, you have to find fish alternatives. Below you will find some of the foods you can include in your meal to get a part of the essentials that fish has to offer.


Flaxseeds are a tasty fish alternative that will provide you with the alpha-linolenic acid your body needs. A lot of people decide to use flaxseed oil and are loving it. When it comes to these seeds, it’s really easy to include them in salads, morning oats, smoothies and more.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds contain just as much omega-3 acids as fish. So if you are not big on the sea creatures, make sure to get your omega-3 through chia seeds. In other words, these seeds are one of the best fish alternatives you will find.


Soybeans are a good source of ALA, especially for people who don’t eat meat. It is definitely not the same thing as fish, but still offers a portion of the daily requirements.


A quarter cup of walnuts provides 14% of the ALA you need in one day. You have to very careful when eating them because there is also a limit on that.