Which Foods Have the Most Alkaline?

There are foods that are acidic and there are foods that are alkaline. These terms come from the pH scale, which helps us categorize food into these two groups. While it’s important to keep a balanced diet, the western world eats much more acidic food than alkaline because of our high consumption of dairy, meat, and processed foods, which are all acidic. Acidic foods can be hard on your kidneys and definitely can upset your stomach which is already acidic, so if you want to change up your diet a bit, try eating more of these alkaline-heavy foods!

Bell Peppers

Not all peppers are created the same on the pH scale. While mildly spicy peppers like jalapenos are slightly acidic, bell peppers are beautiful and alkaline. Not only that, they are full of vitamin C and antioxidants which are amazing for your body. 

Leafy Greens

Everyone knows they should eat more leafy greens. Things like chard, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens are all alkaline foods, full of iron, calcium, and so many other important nutrients. 



Cucumbers are another vegetable that is an alkaline, and another great way to add loads of antioxidants to your diet. You can eat them raw in a salad or try them grilled or smashed to be more creative and enjoy them more often.