These Fruits are Healthy for Both Humans and Dogs!

Fruits for dogs
Image by karisjo from Pixabay

Do you have a furry, four-legged companion in your home? While we all know that dogs, if they could, would eat “human” foods at every possible opportunity—some foods are safer and healthier than others for your pets.

Fruits are generally a pretty good bet as a food that both you and your dog can enjoy. However, these are the ones you can rely on more than others.


Blueberries are low in sugar and contain nothing that can harm dogs. In fact, their high antioxidant content is also helpful for boosting your pup’s immune system and keeping it healthy. They’ll love biting into these little blue beauties.


One treat we love giving to our dogs on special occasions is a little bit of sliced banana. Don’t give them too much, as they do contain a good bit of sugar, but a few slices of banana every so often is a tasty treat they’ll love, while giving them a bit of fiber and potassium.

Seedless Watermelon

Looking for a treat your dog will love on a hot summer day? Watermelon is nearly 95% water and low in sugar, making it an ideal, refreshing treat for your canine companion. Just be sure to give it to them in a seedless form without the rind, as these two elements could cause intestinal system blockages if given to your dog.