These Foods are Yummy For You and Your Dog

When it comes to dogs, there are definitely some foods that are completely off-limits. Things like chocolate, anything with a lot of sugar, garlic, etc., are fine for humans, but really bad for dogs. However, there are tons of foods that you can share with your dogs, so if you do want to sneak them a bite of these foods, you don’t have to feel guilty!

Low Fat Cheese

Cheese is a nice little treat for you and your dogs, especially if it’s a kind that isn’t very high in fat. Something like fresh mozzarella would be perfect for your pup, and as an afternoon treat for you with some fresh basil and tomato!


Whenever you’re sick or have a stomach ache, scrambled eggs are always a good go-to. Well, this actually goes for dogs as well! Not only do eggs give them a great source of protein, but if they’re not feeling well or have a stomach ache, eggs can help them as well! But, you have to make sure to cook them well because dogs shouldn’t eat raw eggs.


Fish is another healthy treat to share with your dog a couple of times a week, especially ones high in omega-3’s like salmon. Just make sure whatever fish you give to them has no bones in it, as it’s a choking hazard.