Is there a person out there who doesn’t love guacamole? Probably not. So we all need that ideal recipe, that presents the perfect balance of ingredients. There is a number of variations online, but this guacamole recipe is by far my favorite.
- All you need is 3 ripe Haas avocados, you can literally get anywhere. Put it in a bowl and start mashing.
- The following step includes one juiced lime, that goes straight to the bowl with the avocado.
3. Seasoning is key. Add 1 teaspoon of freshly chopped cilantro, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon coriander.
4. Next, include a freshly and finely chopped onion. It should be medium sized. Some people prefer white onions, while others love the red ones. Make it your choice.
5. When it comes to garlic, you can always decide to add a dash, to improve the taste. If you are not a garlic fan, you can always stay away from it.
6. Add 2 Roma tomatoes and 1 small jalapeno pepper.
With six simple steps, the perfect guacamole recipe is done. You can always experiment, and mix the steps. Also feel free to add more spice or more of what makes you happy. Grab the tortilla chips, and you’ve got yourself a snack.