The Cinnamon Ice Cream Recipe You Have to Try

Everyone loves ice cream, no matter if it’s winter or summer. This cinnamon ice cream recipe will help you go through the chilly days while you wait for spring to arrive.


For this cinnamon ice cream, you need 1 tablespoon vanilla extract, 3 cups heavy whipping cream, 4 large egg yolks, 1 cup low-fat milk, 3/4 cup granulated white sugar, 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon.


This recipe is meant for 8 servings. The first step is to get a saucepan and mix the vanilla, milk, sugar, cinnamon, and cream in it. Turn the heat to medium-low and wait until the whole mixture is melted. You can now set the saucepan to the side.

Get a bowl and whisk the egg yolks in it. When you are done, you can start including one cup of the milk mixture, while also stirring at the same time. The goal is to warm up the eggs, then add them to the got mix in the saucepan. Put it back on the stove, and cook it for 10 to 15 minutes. It should not boil, and you should be mixing it all the time. Take it off the heat and leave it to cool down. Once it’s cold you can place it in the freezer. Wait overnight before you serve the cinnamon ice cream.