Pick the Perfect Popsicle Molds in Three Easy Steps

Photo by sheri silver on Unsplash

If ice cream happens to be your favorite sweet treat, you’re probably making popsicles all summer long. They’re one of the easiest and quickest dessert options out there, and the only tricky part is choosing the right set of popsicle molds.

Right Size

The first thing you should take into consideration is the size of your freezer. If your fridge is too small, make sure to pick a smaller set, or even consider getting detachable, one-piece molds.

Different Materials

You can choose between plastic, silicone, and stainless steel molds, and they all have their ups and downs. Stainless steel molds are more durable and your popsicles will end up freezing quickly, but they come at a much higher price tag than plastic and silicone sets.

Fun Shapes

Popsicle molds come in all sorts of creative shapes, and you can pick pretty much any one you like. The only downside of shapes with too many details is that it might be more difficult to pop your ice cream out, and the clean-up might be a bit trickier.