Nutritional Yeast Isn’t Just for Vegans

Image by RitaE from Pixabay

Nutritional yeast is one of those foods that is a staple for vegans and just a big “huh?” for everybody else. But just because it’s plant-based doesn’t mean only vegans should be eating this healthy and delicious food product. Here’s why.

First of all, it’s super good for you. It is called nutritional yeast, after all. This yeast is full of B vitamins and trace minerals like zinc, selenium, manganese and molybdenum. And it’s also a complete protein, which means it has all nine essential amino acids humans can only get from food. And you can get fortified nutritional yeast that comes with even more nutrients.

Image by LUM3N from Pixabay 

On top of that, it’s seriously tasty. Nutritional yeast has a savory, cheesy flavor that’s great with popcorn, pasta, and soup. If you’re a cheese lover but lactose intolerant or just want to cut down on your consumption of animal products—nutritional yeast is a great way to get in that cheesy flavor without the tummy problems real cheese can cause. Plus, it’s a great thickener for sauces.

Image by Sean Robinson from Pixabay 

Studies have shown that eating nutritional yeast can boost immunity and help lower cholesterol levels, which means it basically has superpowers. So why not give it a shot?