Making Sushi at Home? Be Sure to Have These Condiments Ready

Image by Kevin Petit from Pixabay

You’d be surprised how easy it is to make sushi at home with just a few ingredients. The right kind of rice and quality seafood is enough to make the basics of a delicious homemade sushi dish, but there are a few other things you’ll want to have on hand to make the experience authentic.

Be sure to have these three condiments ready before serving up your sushi masterpiece!


Wasabi is a paste made from the ground base of a plant known as Japanese horseradish. Its intensely pungent smell and quick burst of spicy heat is a favorite to eat with sushi, even though it might not be for everyone.

Soy Sauce

If you don’t like eating wasabi along with your sushi, you’ll almost certainly like soy sauce instead. This salty and umami-filled traditional sauce from Japan enhances the flavor of both the fish and the rice—which constitute the base of sushi.

Pickled Ginger

Are you looking to cleanse your palate between different varieties of sushi? If so, be sure to serve pickled ginger alongside your homemade creation! This traditional accompaniment is easy to make at home or to find in specialty grocery stores.