How to Not Overeat During Quarantine

Coronavirus outbreak is the time to stay at home, but that doesn’t mean you should eat more than you need to. If your reaction to stressful situations is to eat more, you may be worried about how to avoid that urge now. Here are our best tips.

Structured Meals

Fight the urge to snack all day long and make sure you’re having three meals per day, approximately at the same time every day. Eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, just like you normally would.

Healthy Snacks

Make sure you always have your favorite fruits and veggies at hand because they make great snacks for when you’re hungry between meals or just bored. Other great options include nuts, dried fruits, seeds, etc.

Portion Snacks

If you don’t want to give up on your favorite snacks, never eat them directly out of the bag. Instead, portion them into smaller containers so you know exactly how much you are eating.