How To Make Your Instant Ramen Healthier And Fancier

Photo by Andrea Pol on Unsplash

Instant ramen is a college student’s bread and butter. But whether you’re out of school and on a budget or don’t have to time or energy to cook after a long day at work, instant ramen is a very real option for many people. If you want to bump up your instant ramen but are still on a budget, there are some very easy ways to update your bowl.

5 Minute Egg

A 5-minute egg is just as it sounds; an egg you boil for 5 minutes. Just bring your water to a boil, slowly put in an egg, cook for 5 minutes and put it in an ice bath. The yolk will be runny and perfect for your ramen!


Green onions are really common in ramen culture, so just slice up a small stalk and add in big flavor.

Frozen Vegetables

If you’re on a budget, buying frozen vegetables is a better alternative to fresh. Things like peas and carrots defrost quickly and add flavor and health benefits.


Adding a bit of acid to the broth of the ramen will cut through the fattiness of the liquid and brighten the whole bowl. You can do this with any type of vinegar or lime juice.