Here’s What To Eat on a Lectin-Free Diet

Photo: stevepb/Pixabay

More and more people are having trouble digesting foods that contain lectin. This is a group of proteins that the body can find a bit hard to tolerate. That is why the lectin-free diet is such a big thing on social media and wellness websites. But do you actually know what you can eat when you want to go lectin-free?

Nuts And Seeds

Everyone loves nuts, plus they are super-nutritious. When it comes to the choices, they are diverse. Walnuts, pecans, pistachios, chestnuts, coconut, sesame seeds, hemp seeds are just a part of your choices.

Leafy Greens

Leafy green and calciferous vegetables should be on top of your list for the lectin-free diet. You can opt for broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, kale, carrots, artichokes, beets and so much more.


Grass-fed and pasture-raised poultry meat should be your two choices. You can turn to chicken, turkey, beef, pork and more. Fish is also a yes! You can experiment with different types and find the one that’s best for you.


Olives and olive oil are the best things to have during your lectin-free diet. They are completely safe and approved. This makes things so much easier since everything tastes better when you add olive oil.