Here’s How You Can Beat the Afternoon Slump Without Sugar or Coffee

Once it’s past 2 p.m. and you’ve had your lunch, you probably experience a decrease in energy and motivation. The good news is that this happens to most people and that you don’t necessarily need sugar or coffee to fight this feeling. Here’s what to do instead.

Drink Green Tea

Although green tea contains caffeine, there’s a lot less of it in a cup of tea than in a typical cup of coffee. Just one cup of green tea can be enough to wake you up perfectly so that you can continue being productive until the end of the day.

Eat Fats

When our energy levels are down, we crave sugar and carbs. But if you fill up on fats instead, you will give your body a lasting energy source and it won’t make you feel sleepy and tired but keep you alert and going.

Don’t Skip Protein

It’s important to include protein in your lunch because it will make you feel full longer, providing you with enough energy and a clear mind. Eggs are a great choice and you can easily boil them at home and take with you to avoid buying lunch at work.