Here Are Some Tips For Cooking Pasta

Photo by Bozhin Karaivanov on Unsplash

Are you trying to get better at cooking pasta? This is a very valiant challenge to undertake, because pasta can be a bit tricky. It may seem simple to make, and it certainly is in many ways—but perfecting it is a whole different ballgame. If you’re trying to make your pasta as good as it can possibly be, here are some tips that’ll help.

Use a Big Pot

The first tip to keep in mind is to use a large pot and use approximately five liters of water for each pound of pasta. The reason it’s good to boil your pasta with more water is because it’ll prevent the pasta from sticking.

Salt the Water

Speaking of water, you should also add plenty of salt to it as it’s boiling. It’s important to be generous in this process because you want your water to taste somewhat like seawater, which will flavor the pasta internally.

How Done is Done?

Now comes perhaps the trickiest part of cooking pasta—knowing when it’s done. Traditionally, the best way to cook pasta is al dente, which means that the pasta is tender but also with a slight firmness. The best thing you can do is just to keep checking it and tasting it along the way. Eventually, you’ll be a pro!