Healthiest Alcoholic Beverages You Can Drink

Dry wine
Photo by Deeliver on Unsplash

While you may be doing your best to live a healthy lifestyle, no one can blame you for wanting to join in when your friends are drinking alcohol on a fun night out. So, the next time you want to let loose, here are the healthiest alcoholic beverages that you can drink.

Dry Wines

Because dry wines are given more time to ferment than sweet wines, the yeast is able to consume more sugar from the grapes. Ultimately, this results in a lower-sugar wine.

Hard Seltzers

Typically made of a mixture of sparkling water and a clear liquor like vodka or tequila, hard seltzers do not contain artificial preservatives or added flavoring as is common in mixed drinks. They often come with natural fruit juice essence, meaning that they are available in a variety of flavors.

Hard Kombucha

Kombucha typically has very little alcohol content, meaning that even hard kombucha is barely considered an alcoholic beverage. This beverage comes with probiotics from its fermentation process as well as plant compounds from the tea it’s made from.