Easy Daily Steps to Keeping a Spotless Kitchen

Keeping your kitchen clean can seem like a daunting task if you only make time to tidy up once or twice per week. This method leaves all kinds of dirtiness and disorganization to pile up, making a kitchen clean seems like a gargantuan task when it’s time to do so! While it might seem like overkill, doing just a few simple things on a daily basis is a great way to ensure that your kitchen is always clean. Here are a few things that you should do every day.

Wipe Everything Down

After a day full of cooking and preparing food and drinks, your countertops and stove are probably going to have some residue on them. So, instead of waiting days for this dirtiness to accumulate and look unpresentable, just do a quick wipedown every day.


No one likes the feeling of stepping on a forgotten potato chip or an undiscovered sprinkling of coffee grounds on the floor, which means that it’s essential to sweep your kitchen every day. It’s no one’s favorite task, but you’ll appreciate how much cleaner your kitchen feels if you do it.

Keep Things Smelling Good

It’s easy for unpleasant odors to take over a kitchen if you aren’t careful. With this in mind, empty the garbage on a daily basis as soon as it fills up, and make time to spray the kitchen every day with a nice scent or by making a stovetop potpourri in order to keep things smelling nice.