Best Ideas for Homemade Vegan Bacon

Vegan bacon
Photo by Luke Johnson on Unsplash

Vegan bacon experienced a boom in the past few years, and you can now find many commercially produced versions on the market. If you want to make your own before giving them a try, there are many different ways to do it, and here are some of the most delicious options.

Tempeh Bacon

Many store-bought types of vegan bacon are made with tempeh, but making it at home is also an option. Tempeh is made with fermented soybeans, and it became an extremely popular meat alternative because it tastes as close as it gets to the real thing.

Eggplant Bacon

Eggplant is often used in the making of homemade vegan bacon, and it’s not difficult to see why. Once you slice it into thin strips, it looks just like bacon because they share a similar shape and color.

Pepper Bacon

Pepper can also be sliced in a way that makes it similar to bacon in color and shape, just like eggplant, and that’s why it’s a great choice for homemade vegan bacon.

Mushroom Bacon

Mushrooms are a popular plant-based meat substitute, and you can use them to make all sorts of dishes. Vegan bacon is one of them, especially if you’re trying to make tiny bacon pieces.