Beergaritas are a Fun Home Cocktail!

Image by sophie johansson from Pixabay

Have you ever tried a margarita before? This classic Mexican cocktail is a favorite for many, combining the sweetness of agave syrup with the tart flavors of limes and tequila.

Putting a new twist on this favorite drink is the beergarita—a cocktail which adds beer to the equation to make a slightly less alcoholic version with the backbone of a light Mexican beer. Let’s learn how to make it! 


  • 4 12-oz bottles Mexican lager (Corona and Pacifico are my two go-to options)
  • 2 cans (12 oz) frozen limeade, defrosted
  • 400 ml silver tequila
  • Limes, for garnish
  • Salt, for garnish
  • Ice


Start off by combining the bottles of Mexican lager along with the defrosted frozen limeade in a large pitcher. Stir thoroughly to combine.

Next, open up your silver tequila and measure out 400 milliliters. Begin by adding about half of the tequila, and then try the mixture. It will be strong enough for some, but not for others. Add as much tequila as you feel comfortable with adding to make the mix stronger up to the 400 ml that you have measured out.

Place this mix inside of your refrigerator, covered, to chill for a couple of hours. When it’s cold and ready to serve, be sure to serve it with generous portions of ice and garnished with lime slices and salt on its rim.

Enjoy your beergarita!