Baby Kiwis are a Pint-Sized Treasure

Kiwis are one of our go-to fruits all year round. These little green and brown fuzzy beauties are not only flavorful, but super portable and a fantastic source of potassium and Vitamin C. While we all know about regular kiwis, have you ever heard of baby kiwis before?

These adorable bite-sized fruits are just a miniature version of a regular kiwi. About the size of a grape, these little fruits are even more portable and convenient to eat than regular kiwis, and they offer up all kinds of possibilities in the kitchen.

Also known as kiwi berries, these small fruits can be eaten whole, skin and all. Described as being even more tender and sweeter than regular kiwis, their flavor is nonetheless very similar to the normal-sized fruit’s, as they are both cultivars of the same plant.

Native to China but now grown in New Zealand, California, and Chile, baby kiwis are becoming more and more popular as people around the world discover their advantages.

Baby kiwis can be served in salads, on fruit skewers, or even as a yogurt topping. Their small size means that you don’t have to cut them up or anything to use them as a component or topping in any recipe that might appeal to you.

If you see baby kiwis at your local supermarket, be sure to give them a try!