5 Ways That You’re Minimizing Healthy Properties of Porridge

Photo by Melissa Belanger on Unsplash

Porridge is one of the most popular breakfast options on the market—but it’s up to you to make it healthy. October 10th just happens to be the World Porridge Day, and you can celebrate it by improving your porridge serving by avoiding these common mistakes.

Brand Choice

If you’re buying pre-packed oats at your local supermarket, make sure to check the label and avoid the brands with artificial ingredients and loaded with sugar.

Added Sugar

Speaking of sugar, your oats are probably sweet enough on their own, so there’s no need to add maple syrup, honey, brown sugar, or chocolate chips to the mix.

Milk Choice

Replacing your dairy milk with plant-based substitutes is also a good idea, because they contain less sugar and calories, and it’s less likely they’ll lead to bloating.

Dried Fruit

If you’re adding fruits to your porridge, avoid dried ones, because they’re packed with calories and sugars. Go with fresh or frozen ones instead, since they’re a much healthier and more nutritious option.

Nuts Overload

Nuts are a popular porridge topping—since they contain protein and healthy fats—but it’s important to use them in moderation due to their high-calorie content.