5 Fruits That Won’t Benefit From Being Juiced

Photo by Mariah Hewines on Unsplash

If the juicer happens to be your favorite kitchen tool, you may be tempted to put pretty much anything inside it. Unfortunately, certain types of fruits won’t benefit from being juiced, and that happens to be the case with these five.

Whole Apples

There’s nothing wrong about juicing apples, as long as you cut them into smaller pieces. Whole apples, however, are best left out of the juicer because their seeds may turn out to be toxic.


Pineapples are one of those fruits that can technically be juiced, but you’re not doing them any favors this way. It will be stripped off of its healthy vitamins and fiber during the juicing process, so it’s better to eat it any other way.


Pears can technically be juiced, just like pineapples, but there’s a reason why they shouldn’t be. Juicing them could lead to quick bowel movements because they’ll release a non-digestible form of sugar called sorbitol along the way.


If you’ve ever wondered why bananas are always used in smoothies, but rarely in juices, it’s probably because they don’t contain enough juice to be processed in a juicer.


Avocados shouldn’t be juiced for the same reason as bananas. They don’t contain a lot of juice, and using them in smoothies is a much better idea.