5 Best Ways to Limit Your Salt Intake

Image by Philipp Kleindienst from Pixabay

Salt is an essential part of our diet, but consuming it in high quantities can lead to high blood pressure and be bad for your overall health. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your sodium intake, start by making these five small changes.

Read the Labels

Processed and packaged foods are usually packed with sodium—and they’re best avoided. As a rule of thumb, you should always check labels.

Spice Things Up

Most people use salt to season their foods, but you can replace them with spices such as coriander, black pepper, parsley, cilantro, ginger, and many more.

Cooking Tips

Cooking with less salt is the easiest step you can take. Preparing your own meals allows you to be in control of your salt intake, and you should also consider preparing your own sauces.

Eating Out

Limiting your salt intake when eating out can be tricky, but you can always ask the chef to cut back on salt or opt for healthy, lower-sodium options on the menu.

Eat Fresh

Buy fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables to avoid high salt consumption. If you’re buying frozen and canned goods, check their labels and opt for ones without any extra seasonings.