Food prices have gone through the roof in the past few years, and one of the best ways to save money on food is to minimize waste. If you often find yourself throwing food away, we’re here to help you make better use of it and reduce waste with five useful tips and tricks.
Perfect Plan
Food waste often occurs because you’re shopping without a clear plan in mind. That’s why it’s a good idea to go grocery shopping with a list and avoid buying unnecessary foods that you don’t eat regularly.
Storage Tips
Proper food storage can significantly extend the shelf life of your groceries, especially fruits and vegetables. If you’re not planning to use these perishable items right away, consider freezing them so they stay fresh for longer.
Using Leftovers
Instead of tossing out leftovers, consider finding creative ways to reuse them. Store them in airtight containers for later use, but don’t wait too long before eating them so they won’t spoil.
Expiration Dates
Speaking of your food going bad, it’s also a good idea to regularly check the expiration dates on your food so you can prioritize using items that are close to expiring so they won’t go to waste.
Eat In
If you already have food at home, dining out and ordering takeout is best avoided, and you should focus on cooking on your own with ingredients that you have at your disposal.