4 Unusual Cheeses from Around the World

Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash

The weird and wonderful world of cheese is enjoyed all over the world. While many of us may think we know a lot about cheese, there are a lot of strange customs and tastes out there.

Let’s take a look at 4 of the most unusual cheeses from around the world.

Casu Marzu

Traditionally popular in southern Italy, casu marzu is a cheese that is served with live maggots. Left to rot until it attracts flies to lay eggs, the cheese is ready to enjoy after the eggs hatch.


This German cheese is left among dust mites for several months until it turns progressively yellow, red-brown, and finally black. When the cheese is black, it is ready to eat—dust mites and all. It is said to have a strong earthy flavor.

Yak Cheese

Enjoyed among some Tibetan populations, this cheese has a hard resin-like consistency. It is made from dried yak milk and should be slowly sucked over several hours rather than bitten.

Lichen Cheese

A Canadian company is experimenting with a cheese called lichen cheese. It is made from combining Quebec goat’s milk with roasted and boiled lichen. It is then left to rest and ferment before serving. It is said to have a taste like the classic blue cheese.