4 Mistakes Almost Everyone Makes When Preparing Smoothies

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Preparing a smoothie isn’t rocket science. You combine some milk with fruit and/or veggies and other ingredients like protein powder, blend them, and you have yourself a refreshing and nutritional drink. However, preparing a smoothie isn’t the same as preparing a great smoothie. If you want to do the latter, there are some mistakes that you should avoid.

Loading the Blender at Random

The order in which you load the blender makes more difference than you think. The proper order is to first add the liquid base before following up with powder, leafy greens, and fruit and veggies. This way, the blades of the blender will move more freely and provide better results.

Overfilling the Blender

This might be the most common mistake people make when preparing a smoothie. When you overfill the blender, you are essentially making it less efficient. It will have a harder time blending the ingredients and you’ll end up with a chunky drink. If you want a tall glass of smoothie, prepare it in separate batches with moderate filling of blender.

Trying to Rush the Blending

One of the draws of smoothies is that they are quick to make, but that doesn’t mean you should rush them. Instead, take your time and make sure you get an even consistency before pouring the drink out. You will achieve the best results if you start at a low speed and gradually increase it.

Adding Ice

There are a lot of people who add ice to their smoothies but while it might chill them, it is actually making them worse. The ice will not only water down the smoothie but it will also take away from the taste. If you can’t live without a cold smoothie, then adding frozen fruit is a much better alternative.