4 Ideas to Make Garlic Bread Taste Even Better

Garlic Bread
Photo by Shameel mukkath/Pexels

Some people think you shouldn’t mess with a winning formula. But we say, mess with it if it will give better results. Take garlic bread, for example.

Garlic bread is a great food creation in its most simple form. However, it can taste even better if you are willing to try out the following ideas.

Use Garlic Confit

Using garlic confit instead of fresh garlic will make a world of difference. Mash the garlic confit cloves and mix them with butter. Then spread on bread and bake in an oven until golden brown. You’ll never look back.

Top With Goat Cheese

Goat cheese is rising in popularity, and you should jump on the bandwagon if you want to elevate your garlic bread. After making the garlic bread, spread a thin layer of goat cheese on it. The creamy texture and slight tanginess of the cottage cheese will result in a completely different experience.

Turn It Into Pan Con Tomate

Pan Con Tomate is a classical Spanish dish that can be considered a type of garlic bread. Toasted bread is rubbed with fresh garlic and ripe tomatoes before a splash of olive oil is added to it. Garnish with a pinch of salt, and you’re all set.

Make a Garlic Bread Pizza

If you really want to have over-the-top garlic bread, then turn it into a pizza. Add some tomato sauce, grated cheese, and pepperoni on top, and bake in an oven until the cheese melts.