3 Useful Tips for Making Your Eggnog a Tiny Bit Healthier

Egg nog
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels

Eggnog is one of the first drinks that come to mind when someone mentions Christmas, and we’re here to help you make it even more festive this holiday season. Made with milk, cream, sugar, and raw eggs, eggnog isn’t exactly the healthiest drink on the market, but our brief guide will help you fix that problem.

Egg Dilemma

One of the reasons why so many people avoid eggnog is the fact that raw eggs are one of its main ingredients. Since they can be infected with salmonella, raw eggs are often seen as a safety hazard, and many eggnog lovers try to avoid this problem by using pasteurized liquid eggs or by pre-cooking their egg mixture beforehand.

Choice of Sweeteners

Most people turn to sugar when trying to make their eggnog extra sweet, but this isn’t doing your drink any favors. You can always turn to natural sweeteners of stevia instead, or use seasonal spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, and ginger to boost the flavor of your eggnog without relying on sugar.

Vegan Milk

Dairy milk is another must-have eggnog ingredient, but there are many plant-based alternatives you can use instead. Vegan milk varieties, such as oat and almond milk, experienced a huge boom in recent years and they contain fewer calories and fat than regular milk.