3 Methods to Make Your Stale Cereal Taste Fresh

Photo by Lina Osorio on Unsplash

Almost everyone loves cereal. They are an easy and tasty breakfast option and there are so many varieties to choose from. The only time they don’t result in a satisfying meal is when they get stale.

But you don’t have to immediately throw away stale cereal and get another box. There are several methods that will revive them and make them taste fresh.

Oven Method

This is the simplest, most efficient method of reviving state cereal. Line the cereal on a baking sheet and pop them in an oven at 300F for five to 10 minutes, depending on how stale they are. After the oven treatment, they will get back all the taste and crunch they had when you opened the box.

Microwave Method

This is popular method brought up on Reddit. It calls for microwaving stale cereal for one minute and then placing them in the freezer until they cool down. According to Redditors who tried it, the method works like a charm.

Dehydrator Method

If you have time on your hands and a dehydrator in your kitchen, you can also give the dehydrator method a try. Line the cereal on the dehydrator rack and set the appliance at 175F. Leave the cereal in for around an hour and check if it becomes crispy again. Repeat until you achieve the perfect consistency.