3 Instagram Pages to Follow if You Want to Make Creative Food for Kids

We often hear that social networks are toxic, but they are actually what we make of them. You can use Instagram for many different purposes, and one great way is to follow people who can teach you something useful. These profiles are just that, and if you need some inspiration for making food for kids, make sure to follow them.

Real Food by Dad

A dad named Matt makes delicious food his kids can’t resist. To be honest, it looks perfect for adults, too! A lot of his recipes are based on potatoes and chicken, two things kids typically love, and he finds smart ways to introduce vegetables and other healthy ingredients.


Learn how to make kids’ meals more fun with Catherine McCord. Her recipes are nutritious, full of flavor, and always playful! There are healthy meals made of fresh produce and delicious desserts that you can make together with your kids.

Little Miss Bento

We’re not saying that you need to make your kids’ food look this amazing to be a good mom, but it’s nice to have the inspiration to do something different once in a while. The adorable creations will put a smile on your face every single time.