Top Lunchbox Ideas for School and Work

Image by Mogens Petersen from Pixabay

The lunchbox for school and work is a difficult artform to master. It needs to be light, portable, not too messy and nutritious. If you’re taking it to work every day or giving it to your kids for their school lunch 5 days a week, you also need variety. How can you keep coming up with new ideas that fit the bill?

Here are some healthy lunchbox ideas to help you out.

Pasta Salad

Cook up some pasta the night before and mix it with mayonnaise, sweetcorn, tomato, red onion, pepper corns, olive oil and a little sweet chili sauce. Put it in a plastic box with a fork, and it’s easy to transport and get back home again with minimum fuss.

Fruit Mix

You should try to get some fruit for lunch every day. Even better if its a varied intake of different kinds of fruit. A great way to get a good variety is to make fruit salads you can tailor to your own taste. You might try a combination of fresh mango chunks, melon, grapes and apple, for example.

Fresh Omelet Sandwich

Fry up a hearty omelet with cheese, pepper and onions. Put it in a freshly baked roll or sandwich with butter and salad. Easy to carry, filling, high energy and delicious.