This Vegan Tuna Salad Has Everything You Want

Photo: agnesmali/Instagram

A vegan’s delight most of the time will involve any dish that comprises of chickpeas and avocado. Mash them together and make one meal out of it, and it’s truly heavenly. This vegan “tuna salad” type of sandwich will leave you feeling full, but not bloated, and it’s full of nutrients. Spread it between two slices of gluten-free bread or even on rice cakes as an afternoon snack, and soon you won’t be able to live without it.


  1. Start off by mashing a can of cooked chickpeas until there are just a few lumps left. You can use a fork or a potato masher.
  2. Add to that 1 1/2 avocados. The avocados should be very ripe because they will get mashed too.
  3. Mash together the avocado with the chickpeas until it is smooth.
  4. Add in 1/2 cup of diced celery, 1 small red onion diced, a tablespoon of fresh cut dill, and 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder.
  5. As you mix everything together to combine, add in 1/2 of a lime juiced to make things easier and to bring out the avocado flavor.
  6. Chill in the fridge for at least 20 minutes before eating, or store in an airtight container in the fridge for about 2 days. Enjoy!