Michaela Vais Proves That a Vegan Menu Doesn’t Have to Be Bland

For many of us, the thought of giving up meat seems impossible. It’s one of our most cherished foods, and so many of us are convinced it is a must in the near future. But a vegan diet isn’t just restricted to salads. Vegan influencer Michaela Vais proves that turning down meat might actually be achievable, and at no great cost in terms of taste.

A food stylist and recipe creator, Vais stopped eating meat at the age of 6 and became a strict vegan later in life.

“Going vegan was the best decision in my life,” she acknowledges on her website. “Knowing that I don’t participate in the torture and exploitation of farm animals brought inner peace to myself. I feel much more energized since eating plant-based food, I lost some weight and I cured my cystic acne!”

With a whopping one million followers on Instagram, people are clearly taking note. Her recipes include both main dishes and mouth watering deserts—anything from pizza and curry to brownies and cakes. Other recipes are sugar-free, gluten-free, and most importantly—easy to follow.

“My goal is to show that eating plant-based food is healthy, delicious, good for our bodies and for our planet,” says Vais. “I believe the food Mother Nature created for us was not meant to harm our bodies, our planet and kill billions of innocent animals.”

Give it a shot!