5 Super Healthy Probiotic Foods

Image by Pavlofox from Pixabay

Probiotics are healthy microorganisms such as bacteria that have all kinds of health benefits for the body and brain. They can improve digestive health, reduce depression, enhance skin health and promote a healthy heart.

Here are 5 foods that are loaded with probiotics.

Probiotic Yogurt

Yogurt can promote bone health, reduce high blood pressure, improve digestion and relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. But make sure that the yogurt you buy has active or live cultures. Processed yogurt often has no probiotics and can in fact exacerbate problems related to bad bacteria.


Sauerkraut is rich in probiotics as well as a great source of vitamins C, B and K. It is also high in sodium and contains manganese and iron.


This spicy Korean side dish is made from fermented cabbage like Sauerkraut. It is high in some vitamins and minerals, including vitamin D and iron. In addition to the probiotics, the lactic acid can be beneficial to digestive health.


This fermented soybean paste is a popular Japanese seasoning. It is rich in probiotics, as well as a good source of protein fiber, vitamins and minerals.


Pickled cucumbers can be a great way of introducing healthy probiotic bacteria into your diet, as well as vitamin K and sodium.