If you’ve decided to devote a chunk of counter space in your kitchen to an espresso machine, you must really love coffee. In that case, you probably want to learn how to make the best possible espresso at home. Here’s what you can do to enjoy the best coffee at home.
Use a Scale
Always measure ground coffee for your espresso shots using a precise digital scale. Keep in mind that professional baristas use grams to be accurate and that’s the best way to get consistently good coffee every single time
Get The Right Equipment
The espresso machines can get expensive, but it’s not the only thing you need to buy. Even the priciest machine is not complete without a cleaning solution and a brush. A tamping mat, even the most basic one, will protect your counter and your tamper.
Always Use Fresh Beans
Make it a habit to always use fresh beans as they impact the taste of coffee the most. Once roasted, beans are considered fresh for several days, and you can extend this slightly by using vacuum containers to store them. If you store them properly, they can stay fresh for up to a month, but it’s a good idea to get smaller quantities that you’ll drink faster.