You Don’t Have to Be a New Yorker to Follow Dom N’ The City

Photo by Diego Marín on Unsplash

Dominek Tubbs admits she’s always on the lookout for things that make the dining experience memorable. Known among her friends as the go-to guide for eating in NYC (and several other cities), Tubbs decided to outgrow her original humble following and launch her own food blog.

Now with thousands of online followers, her brand—Dom N’ The City—is making a splash. With special emphasis on businesses from marginalized communities, Tubbs is ahead of the curve when it comes to food trends and always has a place in mind that will match any scene you’re in the mood for.

In alignment with her favorite quote by John Mason, “You were born an original, don’t die a copy,” she looks for restaurants that set themselves apart by offering unique and review-worthy experiences.  

Her website also offers recipes and at-home content, in light of the pandemic. A recent blog post explains how to make your grocery store run count. “When COVID happened, we were limited to the things we could do and places we could go to, and one of those places we could go to was the grocery store,” writes Tubbs.

“All these years of strategic grocery shopping finally came in handy,” she adds, sharing her favorite grocery store locations in New York City and other tips you can use regardless of where you live.

“You need to be strategic about your grocery list and have a plan,” stresses Tubbs. “I make my list the day before I go grocery shopping to take inventory of what I need, what is low, and what am I making for dinner for the next week or two. Doing this will eliminate extra trips.”

Follow her social media pages for other tips and recommendations.