Why is Einkorn the Best Grain?

Einkorn is an ancient type of wheat and we’re surprised that it’s not more popular, given the popularity of other ancient grains. Einkorn is actually considered to be the oldest known grain and it’s basically a superfood that offers you plenty of nutrients and an amazing flavor. 

The plant mostly grows in France, Morocco, and Turkey today. You can find and buy it, but it’s not as common as some other grains. Einkorn can be used pretty much like any other grain. The best way is to mill it into flour (or just buy einkorn flour), that way you can use it in many different dishes. Whenever a recipe calls for white flour, you can swap with einkorn. Try making bread and use is for sandwiches, we’re sure you’re going to love the combination.

The flavor of einkorn is somewhat nutty and definitely deeper than typical wheat flavor. Einkorn flour works best in comforting desserts like pancakes or banana bread. Try it yourself and you’ll never go back!