Where Should You Keep Butter?

Photo by: rodeopix/Pixabay

In the debate about where butter should be kept, there are strong believers on both sides. Some people believe it isn’t healthy to keep butter outside the fridge because there is the potential for germs and bacteria to inhabit it. Some people think it is beyond foolish to keep butter in the fridge when most of its uses necessitate it at room temperature. Before you choose a side on the debate, consider these facts.


Refrigerating your butter will, in fact, keep it fresher for longer. Most kinds of butter can be kept anywhere from 6-9 months in the fridge, which gives it a pretty long shelf life.

On top of that, there are some recipes, such as pastry and biscuits, which need cold butter in order to form crispy layers. It is however very annoying when you need it immediately for things like toast.

Left Out

The shelf life of butter left out on the counter is significantly less than one that is refrigerated — only 2 weeks. However, if you are someone who bakes a lot of cookies, where you need to cream butter, or someone who loves butter on toast, this might be the best option for you. Just make sure it is covered and you are good to go.