This Avocado Dough Recipe From TikTok is Genius

Want to have more avocados in your life? Don’t simply double up on avocado toast and guacamole. Instead, make yourself some avocado dough.

TikTok user @ballehurns recently shared a recipe for avocado dough on her profile, and the video quickly spread across social media. The recipe is so genius and simple that you will want to try it right away.

How to Make Avocado Dough

In order to make avocado dough, @ballehurns combines one-half of ripe avocado, ½ cup flour, ½ teaspoon baking powder, and a pinch of salt in a bowl. She mixes it all up and kneads until she gets a cool-looking dough.

According to TikToker, you can use this avocado dough to make all sorts of different things. Her favorite is pasta made with avocado dough, but you can also use it for flatbread or chips.

The clip received more than 17 million views, with other TikTok users praising the recipe in the comments section and rushing to try it out themselves.

“Genius! I need to try this!” @feelgoodfoodie commented.

“I cooked it, and it was very delicious but make sure you cook the pasta just for a few minutes no longer,” @helene_klara09 added.