These 5 Sweet Recipes From Yukiko Tanzi Are Peak Summer

We all crave refreshing treats once summertime arrives, and no one knows this better than food blogger Yukiko Tanzi aka Foodie Yuki. Her Instagram page is filled with recipes for sweet summer treats, and here are a few you can use as inspiration for your next dessert.

Watermelon Soft Serve

Watermelon makes a comeback every time summer arrives, and Tanzi recommends eating it with soft serve that you can make with bananas, frozen watermelon, and frozen raspberries.

Matcha Ice Cream Sandwiches

Matcha desserts are one of the staples of Tanzi’s blog, and she couldn’t resist using matcha powder to make these ice cream sandwiches rolled in sesame seeds.

Cherry Magnums

If Magnum happens to be your favorite ice cream brand, and you want to put a healthy and vegan twist on it, this recipe for cherry ice cream will get you there.

Watermelon & Mango Sunrise Smoothie

If drinking smoothies happens to be your idea of summer refreshment, how about making it with two of the summer’s most popular fruits: watermelon and mangos.

Summer Breakfast Board

Breakfast boards have been all the rage this year, and Tanzi built one suitable for the summer by using a wide range of fresh fruits.