The Polite Way to Send Food Back at a Restaurant

Plates at the Restaurant
Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash

When it comes to restaurant etiquette, many people seem to have their own opinions regarding what constitutes proper behavior. For instance, when it comes to the idea of sending food back when it doesn’t meet your expectations, people seem to be pretty split down the middle. Some believe that it’s rude to do so, while others feel that it’s their right as a customer to do so. Interestingly enough, there’s a place in the middle that seems the most correct.

Doing So Politely

It seems as though customers who send food back often do so in a way that’s rude and entitled. This is definitely the wrong way to approach it. And yet, there is something to be said about the customer being always right. After all, if the restaurant messed up a dish, they should fix it.

So while a customer should be allowed to send food back, they should go out of their way to do so in a polite manner. Regardless of how upset the customer is, they should be kind to the waiting staff, because chances are the waiting staff had nothing to do with the preparation of the food. Furthermore, the kitchen staff likely didn’t mess up the customer’s order intentionally, so there’s no need to get sassy when asking for one’s food back.