Immune System Archives - Mon, 13 Sep 2021 13:12:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Diet Habits That Are Bad For Your Immune System Thu, 16 Sep 2021 11:02:00 +0000 Flu season is almost here which means it’s the perfect time to start working on our lifestyle and eating habits in order to protect our immune system. Read on to find out some dietary habits that could be compromising your immune system. Eating Too Much Sugar We all know that excess intake of sugar is […]

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Flu season is almost here which means it’s the perfect time to start working on our lifestyle and eating habits in order to protect our immune system. Read on to find out some dietary habits that could be compromising your immune system.

Eating Too Much Sugar

We all know that excess intake of sugar is not healthy, and not just because of high blood pressure and weight gain. Eating too much sugar can also compromise our immune system, so it’s best to cut back on sweets and sugary drinks.

Not Eating Enough Calories

Calories are basically fuel for our body because they provide us with energy. This is an important thing to consider for anyone thinking about cutting calories, because eating too few calories can weaken our immune system and lead to tiredness and low energy levels.

Eating Too Much Salt

Adding too much salt to food will make it tasty, but it may not be the best thing for our health. Consuming too much salt can lead to headaches, high blood pressure, and many other health issues because it weakens our immune system.

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Veggies to Add to Your Diet for an Immune System Boost This Fall Thu, 10 Sep 2020 10:57:00 +0000 Boosting your immune system is a smart move during the current global health situation. While there’s no substitute for social distancing and mask use, consuming a diet that helps your immune system stay in peak shape sure doesn’t hurt either. Veggies are a great source of immune-boosting compounds like Vitamin C and antioxidants, and here […]

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Boosting your immune system is a smart move during the current global health situation. While there’s no substitute for social distancing and mask use, consuming a diet that helps your immune system stay in peak shape sure doesn’t hurt either.

Veggies are a great source of immune-boosting compounds like Vitamin C and antioxidants, and here are three that you should consider adding to your diet for this fall and winter season.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are great as an addition to salad, in fajitas, or even when used as a shell for a “stuffed” Italian-inspired dish. What’s great about this vegetable is that they are chock full of Vitamin C which can help keep you sickness-free.


Broccoli is a classic food that’s used in all kinds of dishes and prepared in all kinds of ways, but not many know about its health advantages. Several antioxidant-boosting phytochemicals can be found in this veggie, including glucobrassicin and beta-carotene. These work together to boost your body’s immune response.


Spinach has always been lauded as healthy, but did you know that it’s especially effective as an immune system booster? That’s right, as spinach contains high doses of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. Use it sauteed or in salads!

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Boost Your Immune System With These Tasty Fruits Thu, 09 Apr 2020 12:38:00 +0000 As we face the global pandemic, keeping your immune system in check is more important than ever. A healthy diet can help you accomplish that task, and here’s a couple of tasty fruits that should be on your menu these days. Citrus Fruits Citrus fruits are one of the best sources of Vitamin C and […]

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As we face the global pandemic, keeping your immune system in check is more important than ever. A healthy diet can help you accomplish that task, and here’s a couple of tasty fruits that should be on your menu these days.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are one of the best sources of Vitamin C and you won’t struggle adding them to your diet, since you can choose between oranges, tangerines, lemons, and many more options.

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Období karantény 😷 je pro nás všechny náročné, někteří se nevyhneme ani onomu strašákovi s názvem koronavirus. Každý na to máme jiný názor, někdo panikaří, jiní jej považují za obyčejnou chřipku,🤧 některým je to zkrátka jedno a neřeší to. Jak mám ve zvyku, přináším několik skvělých ☘bylinek, které určitě nenahrazují klasické chemické léky, ale pokud tyto bylinky pravidelně konzujume, může nám to s různými viry a bakteriemi jen pomoci.🌸 Třapatka nachová 🌹(echinacea) je velmi známá bylinka, za poslední roky se stala velmi komerční, pokud je něco s echinaceou, lidé na to slyší a přípravek s radostí kupují, ovšem ne vše je takové, jak vypadá, tak si důkladně přečtěte složení, než koupíte například přípravek z drogerie, lékarny apod. Echinacea obsahuje fenolové složky odvozené od kyseliny kofeinové, dalé obsahuje echinocein, aklylamidy a izobutylamidy. 🥦Zvyšuje odolnost proti infekcím, jako jedna z mála je účinná též proti virům (antibiotika jsou účinna jen proti bakteriím). Zvyšují tvorbu a aktivitu lymfocytů. Tyto buňky požírají🍔 choroboplodné zárodky. Nebyly prokázané žádné vedlejší účinky. Grepové jádro 🍊- Ano, čtete dobře, klasické grepové jádro je silné přírodní antibiotikum, někteří věří, že je účinnější než klasický česnek. Obsahuje vysoký počet bioflavonoidů, ty pomáhají vychytávat a likvidovat volné radikály v organismu. Napomáhá při infekcích horních dýchacích cest, posiluje imunitu a udává mikrobiální rovnováhu. Látky, které se v semenech grepu nacházejí slouží jako prevence proti nachlazení. 🤠Na zevní použití je ideální použít olej z grepových semínek. Lze použít i při 👩‍🌾vypadávání vlasů, redukci pocení nohou a napomáhá léčit záněty v dutině ústní včetně zubních kazů. Dá se tedy užívat zevně i vnitřně. 👩🏼‍💼Bylinných pomocníků je nespočet, ty další si řekneme v dalším příspěvku. Budeme se bavit o Benediktu lékařském a květech černého bezu. Všem přeji pevné zdraví za celý tým VB.😍😍😊🌱 #koronavirus #karantena #bylinky #echinacea #grep #herbs #grapefruit #nemoc #imunita #zdravi

A post shared by Veselé bylinky (@vesele_bylinky) on


It’s no secret that Vitamin C is one of the most important immune-boosting nutrients and kiwi is another tasty fruit that contains an abundance of it.


Strawberries are rich in both Vitamin A and Vitamin C, and you probably don’t need extra convincing to add them to the menu.


In addition to providing you with a healthy dose of Vitamin C, this fruit will also keep you hydrated since it has a high water content.


If you can find papayas at your local market, make sure to buy them, since a single fruit contains 224% percent of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C!

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ersion="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> Immune System Archives - Mon, 13 Sep 2021 13:12:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Diet Habits That Are Bad For Your Immune System Thu, 16 Sep 2021 11:02:00 +0000 Flu season is almost here which means it’s the perfect time to start working on our lifestyle and eating habits in order to protect our immune system. Read on to find out some dietary habits that could be compromising your immune system. Eating Too Much Sugar We all know that excess intake of sugar is […]

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Flu season is almost here which means it’s the perfect time to start working on our lifestyle and eating habits in order to protect our immune system. Read on to find out some dietary habits that could be compromising your immune system.

Eating Too Much Sugar

We all know that excess intake of sugar is not healthy, and not just because of high blood pressure and weight gain. Eating too much sugar can also compromise our immune system, so it’s best to cut back on sweets and sugary drinks.

Not Eating Enough Calories

Calories are basically fuel for our body because they provide us with energy. This is an important thing to consider for anyone thinking about cutting calories, because eating too few calories can weaken our immune system and lead to tiredness and low energy levels.

Eating Too Much Salt

Adding too much salt to food will make it tasty, but it may not be the best thing for our health. Consuming too much salt can lead to headaches, high blood pressure, and many other health issues because it weakens our immune system.

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Veggies to Add to Your Diet for an Immune System Boost This Fall Thu, 10 Sep 2020 10:57:00 +0000 Boosting your immune system is a smart move during the current global health situation. While there’s no substitute for social distancing and mask use, consuming a diet that helps your immune system stay in peak shape sure doesn’t hurt either. Veggies are a great source of immune-boosting compounds like Vitamin C and antioxidants, and here […]

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Boosting your immune system is a smart move during the current global health situation. While there’s no substitute for social distancing and mask use, consuming a diet that helps your immune system stay in peak shape sure doesn’t hurt either.

Veggies are a great source of immune-boosting compounds like Vitamin C and antioxidants, and here are three that you should consider adding to your diet for this fall and winter season.

Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are great as an addition to salad, in fajitas, or even when used as a shell for a “stuffed” Italian-inspired dish. What’s great about this vegetable is that they are chock full of Vitamin C which can help keep you sickness-free.


Broccoli is a classic food that’s used in all kinds of dishes and prepared in all kinds of ways, but not many know about its health advantages. Several antioxidant-boosting phytochemicals can be found in this veggie, including glucobrassicin and beta-carotene. These work together to boost your body’s immune response.


Spinach has always been lauded as healthy, but did you know that it’s especially effective as an immune system booster? That’s right, as spinach contains high doses of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. Use it sauteed or in salads!

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Boost Your Immune System With These Tasty Fruits Thu, 09 Apr 2020 12:38:00 +0000 As we face the global pandemic, keeping your immune system in check is more important than ever. A healthy diet can help you accomplish that task, and here’s a couple of tasty fruits that should be on your menu these days. Citrus Fruits Citrus fruits are one of the best sources of Vitamin C and […]

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As we face the global pandemic, keeping your immune system in check is more important than ever. A healthy diet can help you accomplish that task, and here’s a couple of tasty fruits that should be on your menu these days.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are one of the best sources of Vitamin C and you won’t struggle adding them to your diet, since you can choose between oranges, tangerines, lemons, and many more options.

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Období karantény 😷 je pro nás všechny náročné, někteří se nevyhneme ani onomu strašákovi s názvem koronavirus. Každý na to máme jiný názor, někdo panikaří, jiní jej považují za obyčejnou chřipku,🤧 některým je to zkrátka jedno a neřeší to. Jak mám ve zvyku, přináším několik skvělých ☘bylinek, které určitě nenahrazují klasické chemické léky, ale pokud tyto bylinky pravidelně konzujume, může nám to s různými viry a bakteriemi jen pomoci.🌸 Třapatka nachová 🌹(echinacea) je velmi známá bylinka, za poslední roky se stala velmi komerční, pokud je něco s echinaceou, lidé na to slyší a přípravek s radostí kupují, ovšem ne vše je takové, jak vypadá, tak si důkladně přečtěte složení, než koupíte například přípravek z drogerie, lékarny apod. Echinacea obsahuje fenolové složky odvozené od kyseliny kofeinové, dalé obsahuje echinocein, aklylamidy a izobutylamidy. 🥦Zvyšuje odolnost proti infekcím, jako jedna z mála je účinná též proti virům (antibiotika jsou účinna jen proti bakteriím). Zvyšují tvorbu a aktivitu lymfocytů. Tyto buňky požírají🍔 choroboplodné zárodky. Nebyly prokázané žádné vedlejší účinky. Grepové jádro 🍊- Ano, čtete dobře, klasické grepové jádro je silné přírodní antibiotikum, někteří věří, že je účinnější než klasický česnek. Obsahuje vysoký počet bioflavonoidů, ty pomáhají vychytávat a likvidovat volné radikály v organismu. Napomáhá při infekcích horních dýchacích cest, posiluje imunitu a udává mikrobiální rovnováhu. Látky, které se v semenech grepu nacházejí slouží jako prevence proti nachlazení. 🤠Na zevní použití je ideální použít olej z grepových semínek. Lze použít i při 👩‍🌾vypadávání vlasů, redukci pocení nohou a napomáhá léčit záněty v dutině ústní včetně zubních kazů. Dá se tedy užívat zevně i vnitřně. 👩🏼‍💼Bylinných pomocníků je nespočet, ty další si řekneme v dalším příspěvku. Budeme se bavit o Benediktu lékařském a květech černého bezu. Všem přeji pevné zdraví za celý tým VB.😍😍😊🌱 #koronavirus #karantena #bylinky #echinacea #grep #herbs #grapefruit #nemoc #imunita #zdravi

A post shared by Veselé bylinky (@vesele_bylinky) on


It’s no secret that Vitamin C is one of the most important immune-boosting nutrients and kiwi is another tasty fruit that contains an abundance of it.


Strawberries are rich in both Vitamin A and Vitamin C, and you probably don’t need extra convincing to add them to the menu.


In addition to providing you with a healthy dose of Vitamin C, this fruit will also keep you hydrated since it has a high water content.


If you can find papayas at your local market, make sure to buy them, since a single fruit contains 224% percent of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C!

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