Put a Healthy Twist on Your Grilled Cheese

Grilled cheese
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Grilled cheese is one of the ultimate comfort foods that we all enjoy eating for breakfast, but it has its downsides. Even a small portion of grilled cheese is high in calories and fat, but it’s pretty easy to put a healthy twist on this beloved dish. Here’s how to do it.

Bread Choice

The bread you’re toasting can make or break your grilled cheese. Ditch white bread for whole-grain varieties because they’re much healthier and they taste just as good.

Cheese Choice

The cheese you choose can make or break your grilled cheese—so choose carefully! It’s highly recommended to skip mild cheeses and go with the ones with sharp flavors, such as cheddar, parmesan, and hard goat cheese because they allow you to cut down the amount you’re using.

Healthy Add-Ins

If cheese isn’t the only topping you’re using, be careful when picking additional add-ins. Veggies are the best possible option because they’re tasty and healthy at the same time.

Ditch Butter

Many people believe it’s impossible to achieve the rich crispy flavor of grilled sandwiches without adding some butter to the mix, but this ingredient can be skipped altogether.