Protein-Rich Foods To Include In Your Everyday Life

Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash

Eating just the right amount of protein every day is a crucial part of everyone’s diet. It doesn’t matter if you are trying to lose weight or working out hard to look amazing, protein food will help you get there.


From all of the types of nuts, almonds are on top of the list with the highest levels of proteins. They can be a great addition to your healthy deserts, easy and nutritious snacks and you can even add them to a smoothie. Also, almonds are great for protecting the brain and heart health.

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Buen martes para todos!!😀☺️ Miiiren está increíble TORTA DE FRUTOS SECOS Y CHOCOLATEEE!!!! Es mi torta favorita y la que nunca falla! Etiquetá a tu amiga/o, compañero, familiar para que te haga esto ya !!! Les dejo la receta de esta bombaaaaaa!!!! Aprovecha para hacerla hoy y cambie la típica tostada y además cuando tenes frutos secos de más y no sabes que hacer!! Tarta de frutos secos! Ingredientes para la base. 30 gramos de harina integral (1/4taza) (se puede reemplazar por cualquier harina o avena) 5 sobres de edulcorante Leche cantidad suficiente Ingredientes para el relleno: Chocolate cobertura 20 gramos @chocolateaguila Frutos secos de @fitfruits_natural_energy Procedimiento: 1-Unir todos los ingredientes para la base. 2-Colocar en una placa redonda para horno o en una tarteleta. 3-Derretir el chocolate y colocarlo por arriba. 4 -Colocar luego los frutos secos por arriba del chocolate. 5-Llevar a horno moderado por 15 minutos. Rinde una porción Si tienen edulcorante líquido (4 gotas un sobrecito) No saben que rico quedo, háganlo y después me cuentan! #tortafrutosecosdx Que tengan un lindo martes y GRACIAS por tantos mensajes lindos y por todas las fotos que me mandan!😘 En un rato se viene una nueva #comparacionesdaireauxnutricion !! #frutosecodx #avellana #chocolait #receta #nuts #almond #almendra #almonds #walnuts #cake #instafood #INTEGRALNUTRICION #Palermo (Cnel Diaz) (Cnel Diaz) Turnos: LUNES a VIERNES de 10 a 13 y de 14 a 20 hs. 📞011-48219505 📱011-1566670050 (WhatsApp) 📩[email protected] 📩[email protected]

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Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the body.  This is the protein-rich food adored by many. It helps in weight loss and reduces inflammation.


The perfect food to have for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Eggs are so versatile. You can add them to salads, get them boiled, fried, add them to your meals in so many different ways. Plus, they are delicious.


If you like lentils, you’ll be happy to hear that they are packed in protein. Only one cup of these goodies is an equivalent of three eggs. Another great food to provide you with the daily protein needs and help you lose weight.