Perfect Your Baked Feta Pasta Recipe with These Useful Tips

Baked feta pasta with cherry tomatoes
Photo by Natalia Y on Unsplash

Baked feta pasta is the latest dish to take TikTok by storm thanks to its simple recipe and delicious taste. That being said, it’s a bit tricky to make and takes a few tries to get it just right. If you tried making it on your own, but feel like something is missing, these tips can help you improve your recipe.

Using Pasta Water

Don’t throw away all of your pasta water once you’re done cooking it. A tiny scoop of pasta water can make your dish much better by giving the sauce a much smoother and thinner texture.

Right Dish

The choice of a dish you’re going to use can make or break your baked feta pasta. Picking the dish or right size is crucial because the ingredients won’t go together nicely if your container is too big and they may not even cook evenly.

Tomato Choice

Cherry tomatoes are one of the main ingredients that this dish can’t go without. They can be replaced with other varieties, including plum and grape tomatoes, as long as they’re fresh.

Extra Ingredients

Baked feta pasta owes its viral fame to the simplicity of the cooking process, but cherry tomatoes, feta, and pasta aren’t really the only ingredients you have to use. Feel free to get creative by adding other veggies and spices to the mix.