@girlforacleanworld is Your Ultimate Eco Friendly Food Goals

Image via girlforacleanworld/Instagram

Monica Rosquillas’ Instagram account @girlforacleanworld is completely inspiring. She lives in a van with her husband and her dog and they travel all over Europe. The best thing is that she is totally vegetarian, normally vegan, and lives a zero-waste lifestyle! That means is that she actively takes steps to create waste of any kind. Her account gives amazing tips on how to live and cook zero-waste and makes it super accessible.

Since she’s currently traveling in Spain, the days can get pretty hot. Instead of opening a bottle of juice, Monica makes her own delicious and zero-waste drinks. This orange one sounds so refreshing!

One of the biggest keys to maintaining a zero-waste lifestyle is by always being prepared. Monica talks a lot about not buying food in plastic containers like berries and using reusable produce bags to cut down on plastic.

Another way to cut down on waste is by bringing food with you when you travel, or even just going out for the day! Monica talks a lot about bringing reusable utensils when she goes out so just in case she wants to eat a takeaway, she doesn’t have to rely on plastic utensils. Also glass jars make adorable and perfect containers!

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Look at all this beautiful food free from polluting plastic!! 🌎💚🌈 I'm trying to cook more this week to save money and eat healthier (because too many patatas & baguettes), and I wanted to show you guys what I'm using. I brought a few bulk goods from Barcelona and stocked up on veggies yesterday when we arrived in Sitges. The conventional store was filled with plastic wrapped veggies, but it was as easy as choosing the ones that didn't come with plastic. While I'm traveling or on vacation I try to be more flexible and forgiving of myself when the ocasional trash happens, but I definitely don't stop trying 💁🏼#foracleanworld #zerowaste #plasticfree #sinplastico Compras Catalanas sin plástico! 🌎💚🌈 Está semana haré el esfuerzo de cocinar más, para ahórranos un poco de dinero en las salidas a restaurants y también para comer de manera más saludable. Estos son los ingredientes que tenemos para los próximos días. La comida seca la traje de Barcelona y las verduras y comida en frasco lo compré aquí en Sitges. En el mercado convencional tenían muchas verduras envueltas en plástico, pero elegí las que venían sin plástico y compré lo demás en un mercado más pequeño con muchas más opciones libres de plástico. Viajar al estilo zero Waste es un reto muy grande, pero vale la pena el esfuerzo! 💁🏼#zerowasteespaña #zerowastesitges

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Zero Waste & Plastic Free! 🚐🌎✅ Week after week we reduce our packaging and food waste by: 1. Bringing reusable bags to the store or simply buying fruits and veggies without a bag. This way we save hundreds of plastic bags every year! 2. Choosing fruits and veggies that aren’t packaged in plastic. This means I sometimes don’t buy mushrooms or blueberries, but that’s okay! It’s worth the wait. 3. Choosing small neighborhood stores over chain supermarkets. These smaller stores are nicer about customers using reusable bags, they’re less likely to throw out ugly produce, and you’re supporting a small, local business. 4. Buying only what I need and only when I need it. We hardly ever waste produce this way. Worldwide we waste over 30% of our edible food! We can all help by reducing or eliminating this waste at home. How do you reduce your waste!? 🌎 La vida en furgoneta sin residuos! 🚐🌎🌈✅ Comprar el mandado es cosa de cada semana, y cada semana nos esforzamos en reducir el uso de empaques y el desperdicio de la comida. 1. Llevamos las bolsas de tela al mercado o compramos sin bolsa. Al hacer esto ahorramos cientos de bolsas de plástico cada año! 2. Escogemos la fruta y verdura que viene sin empaque. Aveces solo encontramos champiñones en unicel o uvas en bolsa, y cuando eso pasa simplemente no lo compramos. Se que a la otra lo podré comprar sin empaque! 3. Compramos en los mercados de barrio en vez de en los supermercados grandes. Los mercados pequeños suelen ser más tolerantes a las bolsas de tela, suelen vender fruta y verdura imperfecta, y al comprar allí le estas ayudando a un pequeño negocio. 4. Compramos solo lo necesario y solo cuando es necesario. Sabias que más del 30% de la comida es desperdiciada a nivel mundial!? A Nosotros rara vez se nos echa algo a perder por qué solo compramos lo necesario y siempre lo comemos. Tú también puedes ayudar a reducir el desperdicio de comida empezando en casa. #zerowaste #sinresiduos #vanlife #zerowastevanlife #plasticfree #healthy #plantbased #sinplastico

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