Foods That Can Actually Keep You Warm!

Photo by Dominik Martin on Unsplash

As the temperature keeps dropping and the nights are getting colder, it is just nice to feel warm on the inside. Of course, soup can do that for you, but if you want to try some new ways to keep warm, be on the lookout for these foods when you’re out and make them at home!


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🔶Curcuma🔶 La curcuma es hasta el momento uno de mis alimentos preferidos. Estudios en Chile han comprobado su eficiencia en el tratamiento contra el cancer. También, tiene un fitoquimico llamado curcumin que contiene propiedades antiinflamatorias que nos protegen de enfermedades como lupus, Epstein Bar vitus, inflamacion encefálica, Ovario poliquistico, Esclerosis Multiple, Hashimoto, cancer, infecciones urinarias, parasitos, etc. Emocionalmente la curcuma es excelente para aquellas personas que tiene problemas de autoestima ya que te ayuda a reconocer lo valioso e importante que eres. Recuerda que la todo nace de adentro de nosotros. Nunca subestimes el poder de lo que comes. 📌Agrégalo a batidos, té, aderezos, sopas, jugos, etc. ¿Aprendiste algo nuevo con este post? 🔶Turmeric🔶 Turmeric is one of my favourites. Recent studies in Chile has shown turmeric as highly effective against CANCER. Also, it has a phytochemical called curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties that protects us from diseases like lupus, Epstein Bar Virus, Brain inflammation, PCOS, MS, mononucleosis, cancer, hashimoto´s thyroiditis, yeast infections, worms, etc. Emotionally turmeric is great for those who have self-worth issues since it helps you acknowledge how valuable and important you are. Never underestimate what you eat. Do you feel like you need more turmeric in your life? 📌Add it to soups, dressings, smoothies, tea, juices. #turmeric #curcuma #healthcoach #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #comidasaludable #sanatucuerpo #heal #venezuela #lebanon #caracas #beirut #chile #españa #madrid #malaga #colombia #bogota #ayurveda #food #comida #alimentacionsana

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Turmeric is a yellow root that is dried and ground to be turned into a spice, as well as a key component to most curry powders. Using the fresh or dried form of this herb is great for keeping warm because it promotes blood circulation, thus keeping you warmer.

Ginger Tea

Just as turmeric allows for your blood to flow more freely throughout your body, ginger does the same thing. In a tea form, it is even more powerful because the hot water will keep your body hydrated and warm. You can find ginger tea in tea bags or simply use an inch of fresh ginger cut up and put into hot water.

Hot Peppers

Fresh peppers or a dried spice like chili or cayenne is great for keeping warm. The spiciness actually can make your body so warm that people sometimes sweat when they eat too much!