Easy Tricks To Make Groceries Last Longer

Photo by leonie wise on Unsplash

We all have the same problem when it comes to groceries. Storing them properly and making them last longer seems like an impossible job. There are several tricks that will really save your life.

Put Herbs In Water

When you start sorting groceries, make sure that you put the herbs in water. Just pick a large jar, fill it and put all of your herbs in there. This is a very helpful tip that will save you from a second trip to the supermarket.

Wrap Greens In A Paper Towel

Once you get home, take out all of the leafy greens out of the bags. It doesn’t matter how you store them as long as you wrap them in a paper towel. If the greens are in a plastic bag there will be moisture and they won’t last as long.

Learn What To Separate

Not all groceries are meant to be stored together. There are fruits and vegetables that produce ethylene gas and they should be separated from the foods that don’t. If not, all of your groceries won’t last long. Apples, avocados, figs, cantaloupe, apricots all release this gas. That’s why they should be put in a different place from berries, lettuce, and other leafy vegetables.